One of the most common questions we receive at RepairClinic is: “My washer won’t spin. What’s wrong by using it?”
While there are several possible causes for this washer symptom, a common cause is a defective lid switch. Lid switches break with time. Located near the washing machine’s lid frame (a.k.a. door frame), the lid switch serves as a safety feature in automatic washers. When the lid switch fails – electrically or mechanically – it can prevent the washing machine from working entirely.
Find out if the part is the cause of a washer not spinning by testing the lid switch for continuity utilizing a digital multi-meter.
Watch our helpful how-to video for this DIY job:
Find the correct lid switch assembly for your model when you enter your washer's model no . in our search engine:
There, you may also find a lid switch assembly replacement how-to video like the following:
RepairClinic has repair help for several other common washing machine issues including not starting, not filling, making noises, not agitating, filling slowly, overfilling, stopping mid-cycle, leaking and others.
Washing machine repair help