Back to the beauty favourites – a great mix of body, hair, skincare and makeup this month. Oh, and some panty liners thrown in permanently measure. I deliberated for ages (ten minutes) over whether to include panty liners – they’re not exactly the most glamorous of items – however they have been my most-used item of the month, so it would be wrong of me to leave them out!
(Thought: exactly what is a “panty”? I mean, I know what pants are, and I know what pant-ies are, but what is a pant-y singular? Half a pant? And we don’t even say pants in the uk, we say knickers! Are panty liners a united states thing? And the name has crossed within the ocean along with the concept of really small, very thin sanitary towels that are only good for the most minor of leakages? Someone please enlighten me.)
Anyway, these liners are “of note” because they are pure organic cotton (breathable) and aren’t fragranced. I won’t get into too much detail here (I’m likely to do a gross TMI post on The Uphill soon!) but fragranced panty things don't agree with my most sensitive parts. God knows why you’d want anything perfumed touching that little bit of your body – you’re just asking for trouble. So yeah, these are just natural and nice.
On that note, let’s start the video, shall we? If you do want to read lots of posts with way too much information shared about my body then make sure you bookmark (or subscribe to) my other blog, The Uphill.