
My Skincare Routine: Summer 2021

It’s been over a year since my first (and last) “seasonal” skincare update, to ensure that idea for a regular feature worked out well, didn’t it? So why do I have such an aversion to my own deadlines? I can spend three hours thinking and covering sink design, a topic so obscure and irrelevant for this blog that I should never have even penned the very first sentence, yet I struggle to find the time and motivation to start what I’m actually supposed to be doing.

But let’s move quickly away from my inadequacies and into the glorious land of skincare; this informative article is all about what I’m currently using on my face. As with the previous skincare routine, this is more about the types of products I use and also the frequency that I use them instead of giving specific beauty reviews.

I’d say that the most notable features in this skincare video are: 1) the guilty admission which i don’t do two lengthy cleanses a day and 2) the regular use of retinols into my evening routine.

If you’re feeling itchy over the idea that I don’t perform a proper morning face cleanse then allow me to expand on my statement and ease your potential fears: I actually do cleanse, I just don’t – usually – do a thorough balm-and-flannel cleanse. I rarely have the time. It tends to be either a face wash (sometimes splashed off and on whilst I’m having a speedy shower!) or, if I’m inside a desperate hurry, micellar water on cotton pads.

And the retinol introduction you’ll be mildly familiar with, if you’re a normal reader; I did a video on retinol some time back (that’s here) and since then, I’ve been testing a few different bits and pieces. I only feature two products, here, because they’re the ones I’ve used most, but there are several exciting things coming up that haven’t even launched yet.

The other – more season-appropriate – tweaks within this routine would probably be the daily use of a broad spectrum sunscreen (lots of reviews here) and then the inclusion of gradual face tanners into my evening rituals. You may think that face tanners could be more useful in the winter when there’s no sun, but I have to use them in the summer months because my body tans so easily and I don’t really expose my face a lot. I end up with a head that appears as though it’s been patched onto the wrong body.

Anyway, I could waffle on for a long time but I’d only be giving you a sort of weak, hot-potch transcript of the video below so I’d recommend watching the entire thing and then reading the notes further on down the page if you need more info. Of course, of course, feel free to leave questions or comments and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can! I actually have a dissembled Louis XV armoire blocking my way to the door and a flat-packed child’s bed leaning resistant to the wall behind it, so that you can guess what I’ll to be doing tonight…**

**disclaimer: I won’t be doing any actual constructing, because Mr AMR holds all the tools and I just have to pass hinges to him and look around the house for the screwdriver that’s missing in the screwdriver set and try not to pass comment on the fact that Mr AMR never reads the instructions for anything before he starts.


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